
Segue QualityWare: Testing so easy, it's automatic

Automatic Testing | Web Testing | Immediate Results

Segue QualityWare is an expanding series of ready-to-use QA Partner test scripts designed to automate routine or generic testing tasks and make QA staff immediately productive. The first two products in the growing QualityWorks family are GO! and Surf!


There's simply no better way to jump-start your automated software testing effort, and speed the return on your QA investment, than Segue's GO!. Existing staff can use GO! to begin testing your applications immediately -- without writing a line of code -- and create tests 6 times faster than is possible using recording-based methods. They can generate test scripts in minutes and perform basic, thorough testing of most applications in less than an hour! GO! automates an entire category of routine GUI tests, and provides a host of reports to assist QA professionals with more advanced testing procedures.

GO! automatically generates scripts and English testplans which test the essential but routine tests most organizations spend much of their time on:


Surf! is the first in a series of Segue products that automatically tests applications developed for both corporate intranets and the Internet's World Wide Web. You can use Surf! to automatically generate functional regression tests to validate all links in Web applications that run under Netscape Navigator for Windows -- and you can do it without recording or coding of any kind. With Surf!, you'll be able to:

Surf! starts by automatically generating baselines for all of your Web application links. It then creates and runs tests that find and drive those links. After it runs the tests, Surf! compares the results and reports regressions from the baseline:

Armed with this information, intranet and Web developers can quickly pinpoint link problems and fix them.

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